Thursday, January 31, 2013

Jericho prototype.

Jericho, our hero.

Currently the prototype build. Prototyping generally doesn't even need this much animation, but we wanted to give some life to the character while we progress. It's a bit more interesting than a sprite plane or cube sliding around a grey world, don't you think?

He's only 32x32 pixels right now, but the plan is to at least double that, furthering detail and smooth animation. Something about that chunky pixel art is endearing though...

First Glance....

We are working hard at bringing our ideas to reality. The art team team has been cooking up some great ideas from level to creature design. Although we are still in very early stages of development, we figured it wouldn't hurt to keep everyone's interest by showing you some of our possible layouts.

This is only a few of many that are in the works. Perhaps next week we can show a sneak peek of our main character! 

Thanks for following us on our blog. If you haven't already, you should visit our Facebook page, ClamStabStudios, and *Like* us on there to keep up with all the latest updates!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Aside from a metroidvania style of exploration, some game mechanics are still in the design phase. Maybe Ouroboros would stand out more if we shed a little bit of light on some of the directions we plan to take.

For one, a finite, expendable source of energy that is lost upon death, creating a risk vs. reward system that will challenge the player to make quick decisions that would otherwise be simple and basic in other 2D platformers.

How about crafting? Making various items to increase your abilities. And along side that...

Abilities that are further developed by spending energy on them and equipped via a sort of equip/upgrade system within "special" items.

Out philosophy is this: if the game is designed around a cohesive, tightly designed world with a simple character, we should allow the player to customize the character on a gameplay oriented level instead of a cosmetic level. Keeping Jericho the same the entire game lends to the story being about Jericho, but the way he is played will reflect on the player, creating a parallel between player and character.

Dare we say... This game contains role playing elements?!

Sure sounds like it! :)

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Ouroboros update.

The world of Ouroboros became more fleshed out than ever after an online meeting with the team last night.

A pixel art metroidvania has never been so deep.

"No surprises for the writer, no surprises for the reader"

At this point, we have surprised ourselves in such a way that it will be impossible for players to see it coming.

Using a tried and true formula of gameplay, we've constructed a world with lore deeper than one may think.

We can't wait to have people in the world of Ouroboros!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Welcoming a new member.

To add to the roster at Clam Stab Studios, we have recruited Brandon Watson as an animator, writer and 3D modeler.

His knowledge is extensive and his humor and taste in games helps round out the team even more.

Welcome, Doc Wats!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Jericho attack = fixed.

Good news: Jericho now punches properly with a pause in movement. This is good news. Took a bit of a hiatus on the code and came back with fresh eyes and with Dillon there to throw in his knowledge.

Let the "grey blocking" commence.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Minor progress report.

School begins again. Another semester, another 4 months of sleep deprivation. That's okay though! It's all a step closer to Ouroboros.

I hope everyone is excited as we are right now!!

More real stuff coming soon. "Stuff" is so technical. Sorry for the vagueness :)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Project update #1

Well here we are early in 2013 and early in development of our first game.

The design document is well underway, and the vision is really coming together. Style and art assets are a matter of time and motivation.

Being a group of students at the College for Creative Studies in Detroit, MI makes for a rough time schedule... Fellow students know this! But we will press on.

The excitement is high, the morale even higher. Sure, this is just a beginning but I personally cannot wait for the long nights of trouble shooting and bug fighting.

Our goal is to bring the metroidvania subgenre to life with a new look and feel that is all at once nostalgic yet....well.... new!

Keep on the lookout!!

Artwork to show is coming in the next couple weeks.

We want to document every step of the process so fellow game designers or aspiring game designers can watch, learn and hopefully find some inspiration.

We all need a little inspiration to get the creative juices flowing!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Welcome to Clam Stab Studios!

We don't have an office. We don't necessarily have a certain location.

Best of all: We don't pay rent.

Not yet.

So this is the culmination of all thoughts and progress within Clam Stab Studios, an indie game development team full of passionate, driven and creative gamers-turned-designers.

We would like to think of ourselves as a cloud based company and our talents range from animation to 3D modeling, game design to coding. You name it.

Clam Stab Studios consists of the following individuals, creating a solid, well rounded team.

Chase Holton- Game designer, pixel artist and all around nice chap.
Dillon Sommerville- Game designer, 3D modeler and he's a super good guy.
Dean Ripper- Animation guru, 3D modeler and despite his terrifying last name, also a nice fella'.
Ryan Dziurgot- 3D modeler, concept design and a less obnoxious, nice guy.
Mike Dumas- Lead concept artist... and he likes pizza.
Bobby Buffum- Code master and logistics guy, the brains. A swell chap that knows code better than all of us combined. Which is a good thing.

This is only the beginning of Clam Stab Studios.